When a library lines of items for use by patrons, what factors determine how many of one item a library will acquire? I know much of this has to do with money, but there are other elements in the decision mix which must be taken into account when a library or library system decides to purchase resources (print, image or digital). A side question to this may be whether there is a format that best fits each type pf item collected or if all formats are equally useful in every situation (all other things being equal).
In terms of topic oriented collecting, where doses topic stop and another begin? Can we define this line? Is a library, public of academic, supposed to collect all publications by a well-red fiction author? Or must we think of this as excessive? If we collect all of an author's published works, do we also decide to collect monographs on said author? And what about books that might be defined as relevant to understanding context to that author's works or writing space?
I mean to have no answers here. And my link to Wikipedia is for dialogue purposes only. I just mean to invite conversation. Please weigh in. I welcome comments here (moderated) or @ Twitter.
Thank you much.
There will be more in the future.
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